Lostgirlmyths Wiki
Victor McBeath
Claimed by:
Affiliation: Ancient Gods
Occupation: Detective - Police

Victor was introduced to the world of the Fae after being injured while on a case involving a Bacchus Fae. Out of guilt that one of his own FAE had harmed a innocent human Bacchus asked Hesita to heal him. Since then Victor has been working with Ryan and Rylie along with the Austin Brennan on specialty cases.

Notable skills:[]

• Multilingual - Victor is fluent in  English and Mandarin Chinese. He is trying to learn Ancient Greek and Egyptian so that he may help out on specialty cases more frequently.

• Keen Observational Skills - Victor has great observational skills. Couple that with his honed senses and there's not a lot of things that can get pass him.

• Resourceful -Victor is very good at making do with what he has around him. For example, he was able to get fingerprints off some blood bags by using the dust from a vaccum cleaner and a feather duster.

• Technologically Adept - Victor is exceptionally skilled at using any type of technology.

• Firearms - Victor is skilled with various firearms, being able to aim with precision and accuracy. He  rarely misses an intended shot.

•  (Advanced) Hand to Hand Combatant- Victor's primary choice for taking down targets. He excels at close quarter combat being able to incapacitate most of his adversaries with ease, even a mixed martial-arts master who was a high value target.

• • First Aid Training - Whether it because of his training or school, Victor is pretty knowledgeable in the field of medicine being able to help a man's collapse lung after acquiring the information he wanted.

• Tracking Skills - Victor is proficient in tracking suspects using his terrain to his advantage while incorporating stealth.

• Above Average Physical Condition - Thanks to his training in the Navy SEALs, Victor is very fit and athletic and can handle more pain than what a typical person could.
